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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Big changes

I've been debating on it and I still can't decide what to do.  I'm thinking about getting rid of my monsters.  I love them, they make me happy, but a change is coming.  I can't really talk about it yet but I will be able to very soon. 

I am thinking about doing a camping theme sort of.  I want to do shabby chic and owls..with camping.  I'm still not quite sure if I want to change or not.  I try to be very open to change but I am a creature of habit.  You ask me to try something new and I will do it in a heart beat but when it comes to appearance of things etc.  I like everything to be the same.  It seems like once I get settled everything changes. 

I would love your input, decoration suggestions etc. for the camping shabby chic theme.  I promise I will be able to share more later but for now feel free to offer up suggestions! 

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It has arrived

Have you been looking for a class pet but don't want to spend all of the extra money?  Well I have an answer for you.  Pets In The Classroom is a group from the Pet Care Trust that provides grants for classroom pets. They even do grants for things to improve what you have.  They have reptile grants, small animal grants, and aquarium grants.

I chose to try for a grant for a Bearded Dragon for my classroom and within 2 weeks I received an e-mail saying that I have received one.

They sent me 3 newsletters for my class (Fall, Winter, and Spring) plus a coupon for a FREE Bearded Dragon habitat.  Along with a coupon for 50% off of a Bearded Dragon.  I am beyond excited for this, and the different elements it can bring to my classroom!

Click on the Scrappin' Doodles Boston Terrier below to head on over to apply for a grant!

Monday, May 21, 2012


I just wanted to pop in and share with your our latest creation.  It was a great way to review the landforms that we know!  It's called a Landformosaurus I found it at Mrs. Lemon's blog awhile ago:

It's our last week.  Man, this year has flown by!  I hope everyone has a great end of the year!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today is our field day at my school and my Mon-"stars" have the opportunity in the tug of war to compete one on one.  I couldn't resist sharing this photo I LOVE IT!!

I am also doing this activity I found on Pinterest and I couldn't find the pin to give the other person credit, but I saw that The Teacher Wife is doing it as well.

I have put a fun activity in various balloons in my classroom, and each balloon has a specific date on it.  (I'm a bit of a control freak).  That way you can prepare yourself for what activity you may want to do that day.  

Some of my Activities include:

Sit by a friend at lunch
A Day without Shoes
Popsicles at recess
They may write in pen or marker all day
Sit by a friend on the field trip
Sit anywhere you want 

The list could go on and I'm sure that all of you have some very creative ideas that you could replace with mine.  Hopefully this just gives you a great place to start.  I hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free Field Trip Packet

I created a quick field trip mini-packet.  It is in all black and white with cute graphics from the 3am Teacher.
It is free and I just wanted something for my kids to use in class next week.  We have our field day tomorrow with the talent show in the afternoon.  The talent show is a fundraiser for the cheerleaders so I have been very busy this week. Our big field trip to the Dallas World Aquarium is on Thursday, and what a great week to have a bad weather day on Friday.  We only have one more Friday left it has been a great year and I'm double excited about stalking looking at everyone's blogs this summer! :) Click the picture below to check out my Field Trip Packet.  Have a great week!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I promise I haven't forgotten you :)

Hey everyone I feel like I have been so out of the loop.  My blog on my school laptop will not load and keeps saying error on the page and when I try to identify the error it seems as though the error doesn't exist.  Hopefully I can get that fixed soon!  I have tons of pictures from this time so I am just going to put them in a slideshow at the bottom of this post.  I also had a sale in my store during the big sale but I was unable to post and link up which makes me sad I love a good linky!

A lot has been going on lately in my classroom I have done my Synonym Chefs which I have pictures of below I used Cara Carrolls idea of the chef hats and her neat worksheets she made!  I'm thinking next year to make it a bit cuter and a little more interesting I'm going to sprinkle cinnamon on them and use elmers glue for frosting.  I hope it turns out as cute as I want.

We did our egg hatching project!  We didn't have many hatch but the eggs were older and not as fresh when I incubated.  We had 3 out of 13 hatch with 2 surviving. I helped the last one hatch he had been in there 2 days by the time I helped him and it was either hatch him or let him die.  I thought his odds would be better outside of the egg.  We had a class discussion about if we should or shouldn't help the chick hatch. We also had to have the hard talk about the chick dying which I hated.   On a positive note we named the 2 survivors Nugget and Drumstick who are now at my parents house living the perfect chicky life I'm sure!  Next year I want to do different eggs change it up every year to kind of keep it interesting! 

We've also worked on making 3 dimensional shapes and each of them made one with a partner!  They were so proud of them! 

We've also been listening to Chocolate Fever and have been working on Amy Lemon's Chocolate Fever Unit the kids are loving it so you will find some pictures of that as well.  My favorite was the Watermelon Fever it was very creative! :)

What I didn't get a picture of was our Froggy and Frogalinas the Mon-"stars" made.  I don't know about your kids but mine LOVE Froggy he is quite possibly our favorite book.  They enjoyed making the Froggys and completing the Froggy Superpack from Jennifer at FirstGradeBlueSkies.  I just tweaked it and let them make Frogalinas too!

I thought I would take this time to share my behavior system in my classroom as a whole.  We do a compliment system.  I think this might be a little easier to accomplish in a larger school because there are more things to do and more chances to receive a compliment.  My kids LOVE it.  I went and cut paper stars out.  I give them a goal of a certain number of stars, at the beginning of the year I started with 10 but like I said in a small school setting when they don't really attend many different things this was hard.  I set the goal to 5.  When they reach their goal they get some kind of party.  I increase the goal  everytime so the next time they have to receive six and so on.  I have some pictures of our most recent compliment party.  Oh my goodness they loved it!  I think it has been their favorite so far, and all we did was go outside and eat our lunch on the playground and throw in a little bit of extra recess! 

I'm also doing an AR point contest in my class to increase their reading and it has worked out so well!  The reward for the winning team is getting to have a popsicle at recess!  The competition is getting fierce in the classroom and I love it!  The top reader from the other team also gets to have a popsicle as well. Who knew a little popsicle could make kids want to read!? 

We are going on our field trip next week to the Dallas World Aquarium.  I don't know who is more excited the kids or me!  Hopefully I'm going to get a chance to work on some field trip packets.  Sorry for this long post I promise I haven't forgotten all of you I just don't have internet at my house and I finally had time to see if this works on the student computers and it does!  I hope all of you are doing well and surviving your end of the year!