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Monday, April 9, 2012

I've been tagged and survival books

I've been tagged...I've never been tagged before so I'm not quite sure about this :)

I've also finished my 1-3 Survival Books Click the picture to go check it out!

Marie at The Hands On Teacher has tagged me and I will answer her questions and then be sure to tag and pass along mine :)

Here Are The Rules:
* Post these rules
* Answer the 10 questions that the tagger posted for you
* Create 10 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag
* Tag people and link them with your post (and let them know they've been tagged!)

1. What is the one item in your classroom that you could not live without?
Laughter...If we don't laugh in my classroom I know we aren't doing something right :)
2. What is the last "teacher book" you purchased?
Probably some sort of Technology book by Tammy Worcester :) LOVE HER!
3. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging on this blog for probably 2 months...I've blogged before for 3 or 4 months (when I taught a different position)  I didn't blog at all last year and somehow felt the need to begin again.
4. What is the best teaching advice you have ever received?
Go with one will ever be able to tell if it's not "in the plan" if you don't let on.
5. Do you have any big summer plans?
I'm going to our timeshare in Hot Springs in July
6. What do you give your students at the beginning of the year? Do you give them a goodie bag? What's in it?
A goodie bag with a cute little poem that describes what the piece of candy means :)
7. Do you have plants in your classroom?
No but I have a Turtle and some fish :)
8. Do you remember who YOUR favorite teacher was? Why were they so memorable?
Yes I do I'm still very close to her family. She taught me the importance of manners and that it's okay to just be me.

9. What is your go-to lunch that you pack for yourself?
I live close enough to school that I can eat at home :) I normally eat a peanut butter sandwich or peanut butter and crackers
10. What is the hardest part of your job?
Facebook and seeing some of the things that are on there. 
I'm tagging 5 fabulous bloggers
Brittany @ Sweet Seconds

Now that you've been tagged answer these questions:

1.  What grade levels/subject areas have you taught
2.  What is one thing you always have in your "teaching bag"
3.  What is the funniest thing a kid has shared with you this year
4. What is one thing you are already planning for next year
5.  What has been the best moment this school year
6.  What are your Summer Plans
7.  What is the best workshop/conference you have been to?
8.  What is your top goto website for free Lesson ideas
9.  What is one thing non-educational you hope kids leave your classroom with
10.  What is your best time-management tip


  1. I am totally buying your "Everything you Need to know about being a FIRST GRADER"...super cute!
