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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

quick one!

This is kind of a lame post but I came across and I am sooooo thankful for a St. Patty's day LINK UP!  All of these wonderful St. Patty's Day activities are FREE!  I added my boggle lesson that you can grab in my TPT Store the link is on the left!  Head on over to Classroom Confections and find a great freebie!

Classroom Confections

I also found a really cute freebie to use from the Teacher Wife that we will be using today!  Head on over to her blog and check it out!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yay! Im so happy you found my blog so i could find yours!

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  2. Great blog! I have given you an award. Click the link to read all about it...


  3. I just presented you with an award on my blog! Come on over to check it out!

    The Second Grade Superkids

  4. I found your sweet blog from Krista at The Second Grade Superkids. I am a new follower.

    Have a great week!

