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Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm back

First of all I'm excited because there is a K-2 linky party hosted by Jeannie at Kindergarten Lifestyle!  I love being able to find all kinds of blogs with great ideas!  You can click below to join the fun too!

So since I have been M.I.A. for over a week now...(Spring Break and no internet)  I missed being away and seeing everything I feel so behind right now!  However it was kind of nice to detox myself from it.  Of course I had my trusty iPhone so it wasn't a complete detox but it just wasn't the same!  While I was M.I.A.  I gained some new followers which always makes me happy I feel like I'm starting to "make it" in the blog world!  I'm only 6 away from 30!  I never thought I would reach 10 let alone the 24 fabulous followers I have now!  Another thing that helped me feel very accomplished is the fact that I received an award from 2 different blogs!  I was so stinkin' excited it was a very big deal to me.  I have to thank Krista at 2nd Grade Superkids and Keri at Teach~Play~Smile for awarding me this :)

This is encouraging to me.  It makes me feel like I am doing something right and so now it is my turn to pay it forward.  The rules are you must link back & follow t the blogs that awarded you and you pass it on to 15 "lovely" blogs.  I'm not going to pass it on to 15 I am going to pass it on to 5 blogs that I think are just LOVELY!  A lot of these ladies have already received this award numerous times!  They are very deserving of it!

1.  Heather @ Heather's Heart
2.  Stacy @ 2nd Grade Paradise
3.  Kelley @ Buggy for Second Grade
4.  Amy @ Step into second grade
5.  April @ Wolfelicious!

Today is my last day of Spring Break boooo!  I am excited to see the Mon-"stars" this week and we are doing contraction surgery on Friday!  I am so excited!  I have shower caps and masks...I'm super pumped those kids better watch out or I may steal their goodies!  I thought I would leave you with a little something I had the kids do while I was out last Friday.  I found the idea at the First Grade Parade and I know I will use it for a very long time!  This one was my favorite just because of it's ridiculousness.  I was apparently in the woods with him while he was fighting Mega-tron because of course he is Optimus Prime :) I mean look at the name line! I LOVE IT!

For some reason my computer is having techinical difficulties with photos today.  Please look at the answer of how you can tell the head is a circle.  I LAUGHED SO HARD!  It was like it was straight out of those funny e-mails of students work that we get. 

I am sorry for the long post!  I have another question.  Is there any easy way to make blog buttons and signatures at the bottom of a blog?  I want to make one/learn how to make them so I can be like the cool kids.  Any input it greatly appreciated.  I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to have some great surgery pics.!


  1. Thanks for the award!! I feel so honored.


  2. Well, I am new follower as well and I too CANNOT find anywhere where to post your darn signature... IT IS KILLING ME!!! If you find the answer, can you PLEASE let me know too! :)

    Love your blog! Great ideas!!!


    1. I am also having a hard time getting to get my comments numbered Tara. Do you happen to know how to do this?
