In the midst of a busy weekend I was lucky enough to be awarded 2 awards :) I love getting these awards it always makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Gotta love that positive reinforcement!
Christa at Sweet Life of 2nd Grade Awarded me:
If you haven't checked out her blog you definitely should! Love it!

1. Copy and paste this award
on your blog.
2. Thank the giver and link
back to them.
3. Reveal 5 other bloggers
and let them know by commenting on their blog
I'm going to nominate An Apple For the Teacher
Sara at Miss Elementary
Jayne at Mrs. Rhodes Scholars also awarded me an award. I received this one a week ago. Thank you so much for giving me this award!
Head on over to her blog to check it out too!
I was going to blog about my new classroom decor, but it is my nanny's last night in town so I will blog about it tomorrow I can't wait to share it with you!
Thanks for the award! I'm a new follower of your blog. :)
WILD About First Grade!