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Friday, July 12, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday and a Freebie

I'm linking up with Cara Carroll for Favorite Pins Friday!
I feel like during the summer I live on Pinterest! This is my first time linking up so it may not be that great but next time I'll add more!  Let's start with my favorite school pins
I love this from Teaching with a Mountain View-We do a lesson on this, and last year this ate my kids lunch.  I'm planning on trying this some with my group that are my higher level kids.  Maybe by the time the lesson rolls around they can help "teach" the others!
They are doing our parent orientation before the school year starts which stinks because I would so love to do these...these would have been a cute way to welcome parents into my classroom!
Now I'm going to pull from my Random Giggles Board and there is honestly no telling what you will find on that one ;)
This makes me giggle because it's so true and we think we are getting away from the Wal-Mart stuff but if your target is like my target it is turning into people of Target it's a little disheartening!

If you're a 90s kid and had at least one Tiger Beat Magazine you know what I'm talking about ha ha!
And I think to end my pinterest post I will throw this one in there
You can follow me on Pinterest HERE
Just something that I think the state of Texas needs to keep in mind when it comes to making these testing laws that are completely ridiculous.  If you had been in our school these days you would have seen kids in tears, and having panic attacks because that couldn't finish a test within a time limit when they are trying to do their best.  IT'S HEARTBREAKING!
Now for your Freebie I plan on putting this in a frame adding a dry erase marker and picking a kid and filling it in.  I'm then going to have the kids that get picked draw a name and write something positive about their classmates.  I'm going to try to make my class more of a family this year.  I didn't have that last year and I've had it in the past so I don't know what was different.  I'm going to try to make every effort possible to unite us! 
Have a happy weekend!



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Instagram Linky

Random Question of the day:  Where do you get your fonts from?

I'm linking up with Primary Possibilities for an instagram linky!
I've had an instagram for quite awhile I've just used it to take random pictures of things not deals I find or anything like that. This whole idea is awesome. It's another great way to collaborate! So follow me on instagram! Not only will I try to post deals that I find you will also get to see tons of pictures of my best pal Bernice! I love this whole thing because it's like you get a glimpse in the life of the people you read everyday! So join the linky and follow me on instagram!
Thanks to the 3am teacher for the frame and Scrappin Doodles for the Cute Boston Clip Art!

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Behavior Chart, Currently

So it's been awhile but I've been really busy I promise. I created a Mon-"Star" Themed Behavior Chart you can grab it in my TPT by clicking the picture below
I've also been working on classroom coupons for rewards this year.  I think I'm going to incorporate these into my Reading Counts (AR) somehow but I haven't decided how to yet.  I have a question for all of my Texas friends out there...Is your school continuing with C-Scope?  If it's not what are some resources you use to teach Social Studies.  If you do even what are some supplemental things you use to add to C-Scope.  We are not using it next year and we are coming up with our own curriculum.  Any input is appreciated!  And now better late than never...
I just ordered a start vinyl kit for my cameo...any advice is welcome!  I'm thinking of putting their names on the back of their chairs with the vinyl or doing some other stuff with it.  Line order? Not quite sure, I'm sure the possibilities are endless though! 
Tips Tricks or hints-I've asked for advice from numerous bloggers and their help is endless!  There are many different blogs and behind each one is a gifted teacher! 
That's all I have for today I hope you have a great week!
